“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”
-Sir Winston Churchill
In 1999 we started “Team Taras” with 12 people to walk in the Revlon Run Walk, 5K, to raise money and awareness about Breast and Ovarian Cancer.
In 2000 we took our 1st team picture. In 2001 we started creating shirts for the team (designed and ordered for FREE distribution) by Dr. Ian Taras. In 2002 we started renting (FREE for team members) DOUBLE-DECKER busses. You can see some pictures above.
Our team saw amazing growth and from 2010 on we were over 200 people strong each year!
We raised nearly $750,000 in a decade of FUN-raising!
We’ve been in the top 5 fundraising teams &/or top 5 fundraising individuals since 2007 which includes hundreds of teams and over 50,000 participants per year! From 2011 on our team had the #1 fundraising individual for the entire event & in 2013 we were the #1 fundraising team beating out the likes of Disney, KBIG, UCLA, & ABC!!!
In 2014 we moved our fundraising over to Walk with Love (Dr. Susan Love Foundation). We made the now-famous pink “The Bra” t-shirts. In 2015, I wrapped my Tesla in pink and had people who donated any amount, Sharpie-sign my car! #DoGoodHaveFun