Have questions? Here are some frequently asked questions, if you don’t find the answer here then send us a message.

As of July 1st, 2006, I dropped doing baby deliveries to focus on, amongst other things, menopausal management of hormones and technological advancements in minimally invasive surgeries. Before I retired from obstetrics I was the youngest Chairman of the Department of Ob/Gyn that West Hills Hospital had ever had.  No more waiting room anticipating when your Ob/Gyn will return from the hospital because of a delivery.
Studies have shown that most women age 16 – 65 want to use just one doctor for most of their medical needs and that physician is their Ob/Gyn.  In 2014 we went OON (out of network) because insurances were coercing doctors to see patients every 8 minutes! Now we can see you in 5 minutes or 55 minutes or whatever you need, we’re here for you! Of course I’m available for routine Pap smears, infection checks and abnormal bleeding, but even cough/colds can be handled through our office.  “One stop shopping” is what we offer, and if I can’t figure it out, we’ll refer you to someone who can.


If it matters to you, it matters to us.