3. BRCA Testing – CancerSchmancer Fran Drescher (20/26/2016)
#FranFriday ThankU Fran Drescher @frandrescher & @CancerSchmancer #CancerSchmancer for the invite to speak to hundreds in the audience at the Skirball in Los Angeles [...]
2. Personal – CancerSchmancer Fran Drescher (10/26/2016)
#FranFriday Thank you Fran Drescher @frandrescher & CancerSchmancer @CancerSchmancer for the invite to speak to hundreds in the audience at the Skirball in Los Angeles for the 2nd annual Cancer [...]
Revlon Run Walk to Walk With Love
Please DONATE to our WWL Breast Cancer Philanthropy: http://tinyurl.com/WWL-Ian "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." [...]
Anze Kopitar Shoots for Breast Cancer Research
Anze Kopitar Shoots for Breast Cancer Research on Ellen Is it possible to marry my two passions of hockey & breast cancer eradication in [...]
Walking Seven Hours a Week May Lower Breast Cancer Risk
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/walking-seven-hours-a-week-may-lower-breast-cancer-risk/ "Women who stay active after menopause might reduce their risk of breast cancer.New research shows that women who engaged in at least one hour [...]